Thursday, November 4, 2010


I am pleased to have healthcare right now. I always had great coverage and hadn't been covered for the past 6 months or so, so now I am really happy! This is one stressful thing to check off my list. I always thought everyone should be covered, even when I was working a great job with wonderful benefits. Now, I don't pay for my insurance, except through taxes. However, once I get back on a normal plan, meaning through a job that offers it again, and I am letting the big insurance industry control everything, I won't end the fight to get coverage for everyone. So, those of you who voted for all these conservatives, please keep in mind that they might try to get rid of the new Healthcare plan, which is a plan that only holds a fraction of why we need it. It already costs to cover the uninsured, and this way we will have people who were once denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions to have the coverage they need. Look, I would pay for a plan, but when you work somewhere that doesn't offer it, like if you are a contract worker, the costs are usually unaffordable.
If everyone who wasn't covered was in a pool, and could have a better rate because of it, that would be the best AND I don't see how "the right" could complain because then it wouldn't be "universal health", however I would LOVE to have some Canadian coverage for everyone!

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