Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Really? Why I shouldn't be surprised

Usually I dig listening to the discussions on CNN, heck I even watch Fox sometimes just so I can explain why I think it is so vile, to people like my cousin, who think it is the only true new source. Fact is, tonight I am just annoyed. There is the big analysis of "what is going to happen" or "HOW did this happen"? Was it Obama's fault? No. Did Congress sit back, and not get aggressive enough over Healthcare or other issues? Maybe. What if they had been more aggressive? Would this have helped? Maybe. However, it appears that every time there is an election, if things are not great, then well, the other party takes control. It happened under Clinton, under Bush...now Obama. This is a problem with the two party system. People give up, by into the stupid marketing, and switch sides. Some of us do not, but some people really have no clue what is going on, or what they really stand for, because how can you vote for Obama and then vote for someone like Rick Snyder?? Really?? How about Rand Paul in Kentucky. So, tonight, I am just bored. It is all too predictable.

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